Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mommy Lit Review: Momzillas by Jill Kargman

Momzillas by Jill Kargman
Review by Tricia

When Hannah Allen's husband takes a job in New York City, his hometown, they uproot themselves and their two year old daughter to move across the country. When she gets there, Hannah is not prepared for the extremely competitive world she falls in to. In the upper echelons of Manhattan society, moms are obsessed with having everything perfect for their children and are constantly competing for the best pre-schools, clothes, birthday parties and extracurricular activities. She also experiences problems with her mother-in-law who feels that Hannah is not doing all she can to integrate her granddaughter into their new environment. Despite her better instincts and common sense, Hannah soon finds herself caught up in the craziness of high-stakes mothering.

This book is a fun and fast read that will definitely get you laughing. There are a lot of abbreviations and lingo used in the book that I have never heard of, but the definitions are quite cute. I could relate to the main character in the demands she felt by competitive mothering, although not to the same extent. I think all moms feel the pressure to ensure your child has the best of everything and you do your best to provide for their future development.

To read this month's Mommy Lit Review, please visit our Homepage at York Region Parent.

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